How to Start Flirting with a Girl on Chatlines?

On a phone Chatline where you can’t flaunt your body language or facial expressions it’s crucial to impress your girl with the way you talk. Talking on phone is a direct opportunity to influence your girl with your flirting abilities. The blog outlines few ways to impress your girl while chatting with your sense of humor and listening skills.

Choose a Right time to talk:

Indeed, there is no said rule about the right time to talk to your girl. Yet make sure that you choose a time when both of you have enough time to devote to talking. Making calls in rush hours could shorten the duration and may send both of you in utter discomfort. If she isn’t picking the phone, you may politely ask when it will be a good time to call back.

Talk in Deeper Voice:

Talking in slight deeper voice will make it easier for your girl to pick your communication. While talking keep your voice gentle, soft and friendly. During conversation, focus on voice modulation so that you do not sound shouting or yelling. Ensure that you aren’t too fast or too slow during the conversation. It’s important to make sure the girl can understand what you’re saying. Ask questions about her life, interests and goals etc. Don’t get too personal, though.

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Show interest in her life, although be careful about asking too many questions about her friends. She might get the wrong idea and think you’re more interested in one of them than you are interested in her.

Add the Touch of Fun and Humor:

Your sense of humor can take you places if used wisely. Be witty and humorous. Crack jokes and tell stories to your girl. Share inspirational stories and incidents about interesting people you met. Tell her funny things that have happened to you in the past. Jokes should be only the part of the conversation to make it easy going and fun. Excessive jokes could make her think that whatever you’re saying to her is a joke. She’s there to know you, so show make her comfortable with nice talk so that she can trust what you say.

Keep Your Conversation Small and Clean:

Chatlines are made to make friends and find soulmates. Using them to discuss political controversies and celeb scandals is utter waste. Remember that flirting on Chatlines won’t work if you’re talking about controversial topics she is not interested in. Talk on topics that are easy, common and comfortable. When you’re in beginning of relationship and in the initial process of getting to know someone, don’t offend her by talking dirty. As time goes on and you get into a relationship with this girl, then only can think about getting erotic during conversation, but only if she’s comfortable with that.

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