How to Ask for Erotic Chat Line Guy’s Number?

Erotic Chat Line Guy’s Number

Did you find him compatible after phone chatting at one of the top chat lines? Soon after listening to his introductory greeting message, you knew he is the one you can enjoy phone dating. That’s interesting! You kept chatting to the guy you like and keep hinting at your interest in him as you don’t have his contact number with you. The free trial minutes offered by one of the trusted Erotic phone chatlines are about to get over and you are puzzled about what is next. No worries at all! Finally, both of you decided to meet in the real world.

On the first date with a guy, you joke around with him, touch his arm, and flirt. He appears to be completely unaware of your effort. However, you are confident that he does not believe you to be an ogre. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for him to act.

Tips for Women by RedHot Dateline to Ask Like-Minded Date’s Phone Number

Experts from the best chat lines of the phone dating world have a few tips for you. Keep the below-mentioned tips in mind to ask for his contact number if you are hesitating in asking directly from him:

1. Keep Your Request Informal

Don’t hype things up to the point that it becomes awkward or excessive. You’re merely attempting to get a man’s phone number. You may say straightforward like, “Hey, let’s share each other’s number” which can do a miracle! Not every woman can directly speak these words on the first date. Fret not! You can also say “we should get together sometime; it would be wonderful”. Some experts suggest women at phone dating lines say, we share a lot in common. Can I have your phone number so we can carry on our conversation”? This casual kind of conversation won’t make you feel awkward and you can easily ask for his number too.

2. Give a Genuine Excuse to Him

You might always invent a justification for why you require his number if you truly feel strange about it. For instance, based on the situation, you can advise him that you need his phone number to forward him the item you were discussing. Alternatively, perhaps you were looking for the same kind of goal toward something and he is interested in having details about it from you. What else can be the best way to ask for his number than this? To text him about it later, you simply need his phone number. Grab this opportunity and ask for his number if you things everything is going smoothly.

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3. Be Imaginative When Asking Number of an Erotic Chat Line Partner

There is no reason why you shouldn’t make a joke when you ask a guy for his phone number. Hand him your phone and tell him there’s something strange on it. Say “Your number’s not in it” after that. You don’t want his number if he doesn’t laugh.

4. Be Direct if you are Sure About His Interest in You

If you’re confident and have steely resolve, just say it. The answer is clear, direct, and ultimately what you want: “Can I have your personal contact number so that we can enjoy talking and chatting whenever you want?” The fact that you feel confident enough to pursue your goals may make him incredibly hot. What is there for you to lose?

5. Do Not Overthink When Asking His Number

In the end, this isn’t a particularly complex problem. Furthermore, it’s not a deal-breaker. You’ve probably rejected a person in the past, and he made it through. What’s the big deal if you approach this guy and he doesn’t seem interested?

How to Proceed If the Guy from Erotic Chat Line Refuses to Give It?

It’s awful when you know that the guy you met using trial minutes of one of the free phone chat line numbers doesn’t feel the same way. Don’t be upset! Because you choose to ask a guy for his number and he declined, no one is going to start pointing and laughing at you. Here’s tip for you to move further if the guy on the first date doesn’t give you his number:

1. Keep the Conversation Going Rather Than Ending It Abruptly

How annoying is it when a guy shows his interest in you during phone conversations and chats, and then all of a sudden he stops paying attention to you? Don’t act arrogantly or end the ongoing conversation abruptly. Continue talking to him if it was so wonderful! Just because he doesn’t want to share his number, it doesn’t mean it has to end.

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2. Shift Your Attention from his Phone Number to Elsewhere

When you ask a guy you met at one of the reliable Erotic chat lines for his phone number, you’re expressing your interest in dating him. How come? You probably have a lot in common with him and are drawn to him. You can remain friends, even if you don’t think a love connection will work out. He might be good enough to have in your life on a platonic basis if he was good enough to date.

3. Appreciate Yourself for Taking a Chance to Ask Him Confidently

Making the initial move needs courage and confidence level! You should be commended for your courage in taking a chance since it shows how brave you are. Give yourself a high five for your merit.

4. Keep Your Cool

You might want to sob uncontrollably and bolt out of the dating place quickly. Even though being rejected might be terrible at worst and embarrassing at best, you don’t want to cause a scene. Experts from the renowned RedHot Dateline chat line suggest women accept rejection with grace. Say something along the lines of, “Ah, no big deal. Just thought I’d inquire!” or something equally informal and laid-back. For both of you, it will make things much less awkward.

5. Don’t Let It Bother You

Of course, it’s easier said than done, but it is feasible, believes many experts from their many years of experience in the phone dating world. Sometimes, people don’t get along with one another. Each of us has personal interests and tastes. He declined your request for his phone number; however, it doesn’t indicate you are unworthy in any way. Simply put, you’re not for him, and that’s okay. You shouldn’t let a man’s opinion of you determine your sense of value.

Final Thoughts

No wonder many women are constantly looking for a like-minded partner they can enjoy life with. Some eligible men are eagerly waiting to connect with you. Experts from the RedHot Dateline Erotic chat line strongly suggest women take initiative and ask for the phone number if they think the dater is perfect for them. All they need to do is to keep a few basic dating safety tips in mind when planning for the first date with him and make a move.